Dr. Ciro Cattuto is the Scientific Director of ISI Foundation. His research focuses on measuring and modeling complex phenomena in systems that entangle human behaviours and digital platforms, using digital behavioral proxies to target research problems in computational social science and digital epidemiology. He is interested in the social impact of data and artificial intelligence and in policies to support the generation of public value from privately held data. Dr. Cattuto is a founder and principal investigator of the SocioPatterns collaboration, an international collaboration on measuring and analyzing human and animal social networks using wearable proximity sensors. He was formerly an Associate Professor in the Computer Science Department of the University of Torino, an Expert in the Italian Department of Digital Transformation, and a member of the Italian Government’s COVID-19 “data” task force. Dr. Cattuto holds a Ph.D. in Physics from the University of Perugia, Italy, and has worked as a research scientist at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, USA, at the Enrico Fermi Center in Rome, and the Frontier Research System of the RIKEN Institute in Japan.
An embedding-based distance for temporal graphs
Social interactions of dairy cows and their association with milk yield and somatic cell count
Integrated environmental and clinical surveillance for the prevention of acute respiratory infections (ARIs) in indoor environments and vulnerable communities (Stell-ARI): Protocol
Estimating household contact matrices structure from easily collectable metadata
Association of close-range contact patterns with SARS-CoV-2: a household transmission study
Strengths and limitations of relative wealth indices derived from big data in Indonesia
Potential role of biologgers to automate detection of lame ewes and lambs
Social behaviour and transmission of lameness in a flock of ewes and lambs
Psychotropic drug purchases during the COVID‑19 pandemic in Italy and their relationship with mobility restrictions
Staying Strong, But For How Long? Mental Health During COVID-19 in Italy
Association networks and social temporal dynamics in ewes and lambs
Interplay between mobility, multi-seeding and lockdowns shapes COVID-19 local impact
Using wearable proximity sensors to characterize social contact patterns in a village of rural Malawi
Spatial and temporal variation in proximity networks of commercial dairy cattle in Great Britain
Early social distancing policies in Europe, changes in mobility & COVID-19 case trajectories: Insights from Spring 2020
Evaluation of home detection algorithms on mobile phone data using individual-level ground truth
Effect of manual and digital contact tracing on COVID-19 outbreaks: a study on empirical contact data
Predicting partially observed processes on temporal networks by Dynamics-Aware Node Embeddings (DyANE)
Digital proximity tracing on empirical contact networks for pandemic control
Combining Wearable Devices and Mobile Surveys to Study Child and Youth Development in Malawi: Implementation Study of a Multimodal Approach
Time to evaluate COVID-19 contact-tracing apps
Give more data, awareness and control to individual citizens, and they will help COVID-19 containment
Span-core Decomposition for Temporal Networks: Algorithms and Applications
Young Adult Unemployment Through the Lens of Social Media: Italy as a Case Study
Relevance of temporal cores for epidemic spread in temporal networks
COVID-19 outbreak response, a dataset to assess mobility changes in Italy following national lockdown
Gender gaps in urban mobility
The Institutionalisation of Digital Public Health: Lessons Learned from the COVID-19 App
Mobile phone data for informing public health actions across the COVID-19 pandemic life cycle
The impact of news exposure on collective attention in the United States during the 2016 Zika epidemic
The effect of age, environment and management on social contact patterns in sheep
Traditional versus Facebook-based surveys: Evaluation of biases in self-reported demographic and psychometric information
Study design and protocol for investigating social network patterns in rural and urban schools and households in a coastal setting in Kenya using wearable proximity sensors
Predicting City Poverty Using Satellite Imagery
High-resolution contact networks of free-ranging domestic dogs Canis familiaris and implications for transmission of infection
Human Values and Attitudes towards Vaccination in Social Media
Wearable Proximity Sensors for Monitoring a Mass Casualty Incident Exercise: Feasibility Study
Unsupervised extraction of epidemic syndromes from participatory influenza surveillance self-reported symptoms
Predicting demographics, moral foundations, and human values from digital behaviours
How Search Engine Data Enhance the Understanding of Determinants of Suicide in India and Inform Prevention: Observational Study
Mining (maximal) span-cores from temporal networks
Shopping mall attraction and social mixing at a city scale
Estimating the outcome of spreading processes on networks with incomplete information: A dimensionality reduction approach
Close encounters between infants and household members measured through wearable proximity sensors
Social Media Data per lo studio della disoccupazione giovanile italiana: il progetto LikeYouth
Robust Modeling of Human Contact Networks Across Different Scales and Proximity-Sensing Techniques
Understanding Youth Unemployment in Italy via Social Media Data
Giovani che non studiano e non lavorano: un ritratto inedito che integra dati di indagine e social media data
Predicting human mobility through the assimilation of social media traces into mobility models
School closure policies at municipality level for mitigating influenza spread: a model-based evaluation
Contact diaries versus wearable proximity sensors in measuring contact patterns at a conference: method comparison and participants’ attitudes
Quantifying social contacts in a household setting of rural Kenya using wearable proximity sensors
Detecting Anomalies in Time-Varying Networks Using Tensor Decomposition
Compensating for population sampling in simulations of epidemic spread on temporal contact networks
Mental health and social networks in early adolescence: A dynamic study of objectively-measured social interaction behaviors.
Anomaly Detection in Temporal Graph Data: An Iterative Tensor Decomposition and Masking Approach
Time-varying social networks in a graph database: a Neo4j use case
Combining High-Resolution Contact Data with Virological Data to Investigate Influenza Transmission in a Tertiary Care Hospital
Combining High-Resolution Contact Data with Virological Data to Investigate Influenza Transmission in a Tertiary Care Hospital
Mitigation of infectious disease at school: targeted class closure vs school closure
Activity clocks: spreading dynamics on temporal networks of human contact
Mining Concurrent Topical Activity in Microblog Streams
Empirical temporal networks of face-to-face human interactions
Immunization strategies for epidemic processes in time-varying contact networks
Gender homophily from spatial behavior in a primary school: A sociometric study
Measuring contact patterns with wearable sensors: methods, data characteristics and applications to data‐driven simulations of infectious diseases
Evaluating Similarity Measures for Emergent Semantics of Social Tagging
Collective dynamics of social annotation
Complex systems approach to the emergence of language
Social Spam Detection
Wearable Sensor Networks for Measuring Face-to-Face Contact Patterns in Healthcare Settings
Fingerprinting temporal networks of close-range human proximity
What’s in a crowd? Analysis of face-to-face behavioral networks
Estimating potential infection transmission routes in hospital wards using wearable proximity sensors
Close encounters in a pediatric ward: measuring face-to-face proximity and mixing patterns with wearable radio frequency devices
High-Resolution Measurements of Face-to-Face Contact Patterns in a Primary School
Simulation of an SIR infectious disease model on the dynamic contact network of conference attendees
New Insights and Methods for Predicting Face-to-Face Contacts
Digital Epidemiology
An infectious disease model on empirical networks of human contact: bridging the gap between dynamic network data and contact matrices
Link creation and information spreading over social and communication ties in an interest-based online social network
On the dynamics of human proximity for data diffusion in ad-hoc networks
Friendship prediction and homophily in social media
Dynamical classes of Collective Attention in Twitter
Social dynamics in conferences: analyses of data from the Live Social Semantics application
Link creation and profile alignment in the aNobii social network
Dynamics of Person-to-Person Interactions from Distributed RFID Sensor Networks
Semantics, Sensors, and the Social Web: The Live Social Semantics experiments
The Live Social Semantics application: a platform for integrating face-to-face presence with on-line social networking
Folks in folksonomies: Social link prediction from shared metadata
An embedding-based distance for temporal graphs
Social interactions of dairy cows and their association with milk yield and somatic cell count
Integrated environmental and clinical surveillance for the prevention of acute respiratory infections (ARIs) in indoor environments and vulnerable communities (Stell-ARI): Protocol
COVID-19 Real Time Epidemiology I-DAIR Pathfinder



Data Collaboratives